Little White Lies

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015

Hello, darlings. Welcome to April, one of my all-time favorite months of the year, for obvious reasons really. (April showers bring May flowers?!!?!) I’ve been powering through this gross lung infection for the past week, and by powering through I mean curling up in bed with a book and coffee trying to act as human as possible. I started feeling better a couple of days ago (I’m guessing it was the glorious 80 degree weather), so I decided to take a mini road trip to Kansas City with one of my best friends, Paige to shoot some things and shop some things and eat some things; basically, to do all of my favorite things. I’m also finally going home after classes for the remainder of Easter weekend to see my cats!…. and parents of course. I’m so excited to see my family and spend a bit of time in a town where I have zero anonymity. I’m not sure if that was sarcastic or not either.

Luxx Loren gifted me with this little number recently, and I have to say, I love the unique cut of it! The peplum aspect of the dress is really quite flattering; on a less than hippy person it would definitely give off the illusion of curves, and on an already quite hippy girl: more curves! What more can a girl ask for? I also love the sleeves on this dress, because we’re at the point in the year where it isn’t always the warmest, but it isn’t frigid in the slightest either, so it just sort of balances itself out. Perfect for a girl’s night out; I’m so excited to wear this more this season!

Dress c/o: Luxx Loren
Wedges: Windsor

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